It’s been a productive weekend!
I’ve done lot’s of work on my lastest commission, a painting for a friend:
There is a lot of detail in this one, and it is HUGE (I can only fit one panel at a time on my easel), so it’s taking me a really long time to finish, but I hope the result will be worth it in the end.
I completed another painting this weekend, and thought I’d show you the stages it went through:

At this point, I left the painting to dry before removing the tape. I painted a tree branch going across the top of the painting. Here’s the result:
I also made some more art pendants this week, but that’s a post for another day!
I absolutely love this idea, and it looks beautiful! How did you paint on the tree – is it done with black watercolour?
Thank you 🙂 Yes, the tree is done with black watercolour paint (the liquid kind).