Today I finished a painting for my son’s nursery. I’m very happy with it! Not least of all because he smiled when he saw it 🙂

I haven’t had a chance to scan it yet, so this is just a picture from my phone and so not the best quality, but I don’t plan on making prints of this one anyway – it’s a special painting just for my little boy. The blue and yellow trees represent my husband and myself, and the little green tree represents my baby boy. I chose these colours specifically to show that he is a mix of the two of us. Inside the blue and yellow trees are green hearts, to represent that he is always in our hearts.
While I won’t be selling this painting or making prints of it, if you like this idea for a baby nursery, I can create a custom artwork for you. You can choose the colours of the trees, their positions, sizes, etc.
I think this would make a lovely gift for a new baby – my son’s painting has a personal inscription on the back of it from me. I hope that when he grows up, it will be something he treasures.